
About this website:

This website is dedicated to sharing ideas about designing a new civilization, a concept that this website approaches from a top-down perspective, feeling that the basis of a civilization is its perception of and perspective on a teachable description of the physical world. The more sophisticated and enabling that description is, the higher the civilization can go toward being an interstellar society and civilization. The philosophy endowed by this level of understanding will undergird its economy and its culture to be tolerant and embracing of all of the creation, but at the same time, enable it to see that which is contrary to its principles.

About the Logo:

The Design a New Civilization logo, is a symbolic representation of the components of the new urban model proposed by the MetaCity Concept. It is approachable by traveling beneath the ground, on the surface, and from all directions above. It is equally above and below the surface and provides space to build for all who wish to be part of it. It exists in balance with all that is.

Forward by Dane Arr

In 1977 I read the Club of Rome Report and immediately realized it was wrong, and then I realized it was a scam to convince the world that we had an emergency population problem. In my opinion, we had a leadership problem, and they were a big part of that problem. I was a determined entrepreneur and saw the world in those terms. To me, problems were opportunities, and it amazed me that people with access to so many resources would draw such bad conclusions.  Four years had passed since the Oil Crisis, and the business press was filled with discussion about the impact this was having on the industry. Thoughtful books were being published about how the revolution in microprocessing would make information the key to solving all the problems created by rising oil prices. I understood this from a visceral point of view. I worked every day selling mechanical office machines, and improvements to efficiency leveraged every sale. At that time, I was also selling electronic calculators and witnessing the microprocessor revolution in person, as the prices of new units were shrinking faster than I could sell the old ones. The idea that the capacity of integrated circuits would double and their price would drop by half was happening in front of me and hitting me in the wallet. I knew how this would affect efficiency, but I also knew how businesses adopted technology, which troubled me.

After studying astrology for ten years, I realized I was born to work with big ideas. Since childhood, nothing could get or keep my attention better than solving a big problem. While a teenager, I read that the Greeks used “Memory Palaces” to organize their experiences and ideas and adopted them for my use. As a visual thinker, it was a tool that worked for me and enabled me to evolve many complex ideas. I could evolve them on the fly as inspiration came, and I felt I had connected to the power of the Universe with my mind. No problem was beyond my grasp.

The Design a New Civilization Project began from an insight that a fundamentally new understanding of physics would change who we thought we were as human beings and change perceptions of what our civilization should be.

It would change what we could share and teach one another. It would form the basis for new sciences and technologies able to go beyond present limitations and enable humanity to become an intergalactic civilization able to travel throughout the cosmos.

The insight about physics could not be expressed because no math or similar form of expression existed, and so its insights were diverted to conceptualize what a civilization based on that level of understanding would be like.

Humanity has been in this situation before; great knowledge has arisen only to be hidden by its priest class, those who understand it and realize the power it bequeaths upon them.  Too often, they decided to protect it from the ignorant, which disappeared from their society with a single event, war, or natural disaster that wiped out the temples, so it died with them.

For those gifted with such knowledge, the challenge is to make it accessible to all people, to reach beyond its arcane insights to new practicality.  It must be easy to teach and easy to understand. Its premises must underwrite daily experience and provide insight into all problems encountered in day-to-day living. Far beyond that, it must enable the ability to harness vast forces between moons, planets, and stars.

Our time is about to be blessed by an Event of unparalleled magnitude. Few understand this. The ratio seems to be one in 400,000 people can grasp the idea that we are about to experience a raising in our planetary frequencies and be embraced by galactic civilizations.  Soon everyone on the planet will become “enlightened” and experience a level of awareness about nature and reality that they will all see the futility of anger and separation. Peace will grow in all hearts, and love will be felt for all other beings.

Due to rising frequencies, for the first time, the truth about nature can be taught, and the means to create in the company of the source of creation will be ours

– Dane Arr


©Copyright Dane M Arr 2018-2022