
Renaissance Instead of Failure

Our Society is Failing.
Prepare for Renaissance!

Our society does not work for the people because it has been based on lies and deceit for more than one hundred fifty years. A Global awakening is happening; stirred from the trance of false media and orchestrated chaos increasing numbers of people are seeing the truth about the government, media, and the elite classes, how they have organized our world to benefit only them, and insist that we pay for it with our sweat, labor and tears, regardless of what we may contribute, left with almost nothing of what we have created.

Millions of people from around the planet know of large underground facilities and communities built for the elite, military, and government functions, all connected by highspeed maglev trains. They are also aware of Secret Space Programs created with their money, programs that are now able to travel between the stars and throughout our solar system conducting business with over 800 alien races, and one of their prime products is live human beings. We are enslaved at every level; whatever we do, make, write, compose, or design belongs to an elite class that claims sovereignty over us and our entire civilization. For more than a century and a half, all this class of so-called elites has produced is lies, deceit, and fraud, for manipulating humanity is their only job.

These stories are now being confirmed, supported by evidence of immense tunneling machines and antigravity spacecraft, both key components needed to have a Breakaway Civilization. Planned since World War II, all advances in physics and diplomacy have been channeled into it and suppressed from the people. Life-extending and saving medical knowledge is denied to all but a select few.

The American government has not addressed the safety of its population during potential disasters, such as atomic weapons, asteroid impacts, or any other threat from the sky. While Russia has committed to underground shelters for its entire population, the US has never addressed this need. As more evidence of the US Government being a corporation owned and operated as a for-profit enterprise by a small globalist community descended from European royalty, the notion that it regards all US citizens as its enemy gains credibility.

Why build shelters for your enemy?

A high-level policy decision made in 1946 that answers why not is extremely disturbing to most people. At a conference convened by the leaders of all major countries after World War II, the greatest threat to world peace was declared to be population growth. As a result of this conclusion, all the participants submitted proposals for how they would meet population reduction goals. That was in 1946, but forty-eight years later, they did it again and, this time, established a goal of reducing the population to eight hundred million by 2030.

In the West, the decision was made to implement strategies to reduce the lifespans and fertility of the general population without any public discussion. Because of this overarching directive, every industry began to regard life-threatening aspects of their products as an acceptable risk. Safety was demanded by the elected leaders, who were outsiders and implemented grudgingly over a long period. Moreover, every opportunity to hide any long-term detrimental effects was taken in industries that were too technical for the average person to grasp easily. Pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, and other highly technical products that the public was exposed to were deliberately shielded from oversight.

The Covid 19 scare has now been shown to be fraudulent. The public’s gullibility waned as one frightening announcement after another proved to be a lie to sell vaccines. The vaccine is filled with ingredients unrelated to preventing disease. Instead, it is just the opposite. More and more information about the Global Elite’s secret activities for depopulation has driven speculation that it was a genocidal scheme by the backers of Agenda 2030 had gained credibility.

Given the above, it can be no surprise that the US Government has not tried to protect the public from the disastrous consequences of natural forces such as tsunamis, earthquakes, solar events, and volcanic eruptions. The Globalists have embraced warfare to reduce populations and eliminate their political opposition on a mass scale. Conventional war for invented reasons has been repeatedly used. In the last hundred years, more than a billion people have died due to wars incited by criminal leadership to consolidate their illegitimate claims to rulership. Nuclear war has been used and threatened many times. The public is so terrified of nuclear war that laws have been passed that would never be considered except for nuclear war. Retired intelligence agents have made it their business to avoid being swept up in the event of a nuclear event. They know very well what the plans are, and they know they would be regarded as the number one threat to the government should that happen.

We do not need to explore every hideous detail of the Global Elite’s plans to kill billions of people to realize that they have spent more than a century preparing this crazed effort. The extent of their preparation is mind-boggling to the average person. A secret religion (Satanism) unites them, illustrated in “Eyes Wide Shut” starring Tom Cruise; it features sacrificial rites, cannibalism, and orgies. The actual details are so horrifying that few people want to repeat what they have learned. The essence of their activities is to create a cadre of human minions that will gladly assist them in the murder of fourteen of every fifteen people on the planet.

Long ago, they gained control of the global financial system and have used this unlimited access to money to seduce every greedy soul on Earth. At this point, willing fools are staffing almost every position that deals with death and missing persons. Every corporate business is staffed with Secret Society mind-controlled dummies who do as they are told, regardless of the consequences to the public. The Media, Courts, and Law Enforcement have been bought out and/or coopted for decades. Given enough time, they have organized hiring by these parts of our society so that psychopaths and sociopaths staff almost every important position.

As grim as this is, the reality is that they could only operate in secret. As their activities have expanded in preparation for their goal, what had been regarded by people as too bizarre to be true has become believable. Since it is true, eliminating the veil of doubt raises the public’s sense of alarm and concern. There are only ten million of these crazed men and women, so an awakened and alarmed public means they have no chance whatsoever.

This is what I realized in 1974. They could not succeed.
Since then, I have studied what we can do after they are gone.

When the madmen are removed:

It is a fact that they have occupied almost every position critical for society to function, which will create a crisis of never seen before scale. The good and regular people have been doing the work, so despite eliminating the liars, knaves, thieves, psychopaths, and sociopaths that have worked so hard at making themselves appear to be indispensable, we can do better, much better, without them.

The entire economic system that has supported humanity as we have grown to almost eight billion people was created with manipulative techniques and systems designed to disempower people and skim all the profit from their productive work.

What happens when we end this theft and manipulation? When loans do not come with high interest, medical care cures instead of treats, and the truth is the only product of media.

The main point here is; why do it the same way it has been done? We can make it better, much better.

Designing a New Civilization needs a design framework that works for everyone on the planet, one that can transform what already exists into what will work for a better future for all residents.

Imagine a world where no underclass exists, where all people have the same opportunity to grow and live fulfilling lives, where the secrets of nature are no longer secret but taught in schools so that every twelve-year-old understands what is possible throughout the universe.

Is this a fantasy or a goal?

If it is a goal, what is needed to make it come true?

A new approach to education, one that introduces the young to their opportunities in this life. Realizing that each person is an immortal being whose lives extend into the deep past and an unlimited future, they have the opportunity to become part of an interstellar civilization that lives in peace with itself and aspires to that with all others.

This is who we are!

Posted by dancadmin, 0 comments

META•City Program

The MetaCity Declaration

  • People have the inherent right to organize for their longterm survival and for this purpose the People of the Earth do hearby declare:
  • Local government is the preeminant representative of the people’s will;
  • The natural world is preeminant to the created world and its preservation is required for the survival of people;
  • Human Resources are not natural resources to be governed by the state;

We must pass a treaty to streamline human productivity and focus global efforts on elevating all people into optimum health and education.

The cost of such an effort is easily affordable. Application of established economic principles like standardization, division of labor, mass production etc provide ample facility for cooperative gain.

The MetaCity Concept is a strategy to optimize information technology within society through the creation of a streamlined economic development system utilizing the power of global communications, advanced electronics, international treaties and city-based special development districts. Within this general framework a global community of people dedicated to advancing the potential of all humanity will prosper.

METACity Program:

It is the seed of a meta-society,  a software kernel of integrated knowledge and awareness.

The concept of the METACity Program is an open source trading and modeling software project that models both economics and society, allowing personal, local, regional, national and global goals to be driven simultaneously toward the achievement of environmentally sound growth.

Observing that global markets allow global specialization, Internet-based continuous analysis between nodes should assist making decisions that increase productivity. The software will also enable an individual to register as a trader of goods and/or services that meet defined global standards.

The objective of the software is to structure a fast and intelligent means for an enormous amount of current information to be included in each and every decision from both the governmental and private perspectives, so as to provide a platform for the creation of value by each individual that relates to the whole in an integrated way

Every business person is a global node, since the software allows them to take part in economic transactions brokered through their local municipal transaction engines. The issue here is to connect the power of the global Internet to real local growth and hence, real global economic growth, growth with ecologically aware long-term goals.

The goal of the META•City Project is a sophisticated computer program that enables cities and individuals to focus their efforts toward long-term accomplishment through the cumulative effect of short-term transactions.

The METACity Virtual Citizen Portal

The METACity Program will be able to offer a program for Consumers based on the GMTS called the Virtual Citizen Portal (VCP). While the METACity Program serves business, the VCP connect the consumer to the system. Any consumer that desires to participate in the METACity System will register for this service through a web site.

This is a form of electronic citizenship for everyone. Three complementary functions will be provided through the Portal.
Electronic Legal Address

One key to capturing the efficiency of electronic transactions is the ability to use electronic communications as legal notice communications.

Electronic Transaction Account Incentive and Consolidation Service

The TCA allows the consumer to direct monies from a variety of sources to pay transaction charges.  When a merchant agrees to accept payment through this service they agree to be bound by the terms and provisions of the META Assurance Agreement, which is similar to a credit card merchant agreement.

An incentive program is available to the merchants that uses a special unit called a “tan” (transaction account numerator), nominally equivalent to one US penny. The tan is used to drive commerce into the most efficient methods by adding value that can be tracked within the META system. There is no value difference between tan and other monies except that the tan is usable only in electronic transactions with participating merchants.

The tan is expressed as a superscript small “t” and can be combined with metric units to express larger values such as gigatan gt,  ($10,000,000),  megatan mgt ( $10,000), or kilotan kt ($10)

Virtual Citizen Anonymous Profile

The Anonymous Profile is designed to enable the user to create an elaborate profile of his or her likes and dislikes regarding a wide variety of topics, from shopping preferences to political choices. Changing the preferences will be as simple as as updating any electronic record.  The profile is entered into a database as an anonymous, but real persons preferences. Since it is part of the METACity system, there is assurance that the person has only one VCP. The Profile becomes part of a planning resource available to all participants in the METACity Program

Every business person is a global node

Every business person is a global node, since the software allows them to take part in economic transactions brokered through their local municipal transaction engines. The issue here is to connect the power of the global Internet to real local growth and hence, real global economic growth, growth with ecologically aware long-term goals.

GMTS: The METACity Transaction Engine

The primary tool used to create the MetaCity  System is the Growth Modeling  and Transaction System (GMTS).  Based on the communications concepts of the Internet, each City is an administrative peer responsible for the enforcement of global rules and standards, as well as the operation and maintenance of a clearing-house for local METACity Program transactions.

It is expected that the City will outsource the GMTS services to be administered by financial institutions.

The GMTS is designed to reduce administrative delay in the growth of the Zones. Since there are just two layers, the government, represented by the city and the private, represented by the individual, administration is simplified. This is accomplished by having all of the other entities with an interest in the system operate through one of these two forms.

Posted by dancadmin, 0 comments