

First a tribute to Ron Ridenhour, who inspired me to reach for a higher goal and seek to make a difference.

I awakened to the need for massive change in 1969. It was only about returning to civilian life at that time, but the world was in my face regardless of what I wanted. The extent of evil did not make itself known all at once, it took decades to grasp its true depth. In that beginning I had to accept that at of the American power structure were people who considered murder on a grand scale ordinary, even their justified right. Its roots in Satanism would take another forty years to see clearly.

I returned from duty in the Korean DMZ late in May 1969 and moved into an apartment with my brother. He was an emergent truth teller, a one-man resistance movement at that time.  I was only 21, and his efforts to confront the government about its genocidal policies in Vietnam seemed surreal.  In December of 1968, he began writing letters to the “chain of command” about what had happened in “Pinkville,” so called because of its color on military maps, a color that denoted it as a Vietcong stronghold.

He was writing because he had promised the men he had interviewed about it to write and pursue justice, to “make the bastards pay.”  He did it with a zeal driven by the true conviction that it was right. He had not been at the massacre in Pinkville; he had only heard about it. But he had heard about it from those who had been there and saw how deeply troubled they were by those events, who now trusted him with their lives.

He heard about what became known as the Mylai Massacre from the men he led as the leader of a Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol based out of Chu Lai, a US Army encampment on the beach of the Gulf of Tonkin. It was considered the most dangerous duty available to ordinary soldiers. You had to volunteer to be there. These patrols were dropped into enemy territory by helicopter and told to be at a certain location at a certain time to be picked up, “extracted from the LZ.” They would be there for many days, quietly watching the activities of Vietcong supply routes. During these long days, my brother became a source of resistance to the genocide orchestrated by the War’s leaders.  The men in his patrols were from Company B, who had volunteered to be free of the inhumane duty that the regular companies had become. They were the soldiers who had assaulted My Lai, known as “Pinkville” to them. Their lives had become a nightmare of memories that could not be put out of their minds. Their hearts, minds, and souls cried for relief from the evil they had been forced to be part of. More than anything, they wanted the truth known about what had happened.

Few others have known that during his first year of high school, Ron had been deeply impacted by the revelations of the Ann Frank Diary. He read it and many other writing about the horrors of the Nazi Regime and strongly identified with America’s ideals of honoring individual rights.  He developed a true revulsion for Nazis and their atrocities.

My brother was a good student who had taken responsibility for himself when he was only sixteen when he moved out of our home to avoid being made to quit high school and help with the family business. He worked nights at a gas station through his junior year and all summer to save enough to join the football team that fall.  He started at fullback.  After graduating, he enrolled at Phoenix College while he worked full time, and as fate would have it, the hours he could take at college were not enough to keep him out of the draft, and he entered the Army in the spring of 1967.

He was a very determined young man and felt confident that he could compose a letter that would tell their story, reveal the truth, and lead to the prosecution of the lying leadership. He promised them he would do this if they would corroborate the story.

After his discharge in December of 1968, he began to write the most important letter of his young life. He was just twenty-two. When he was satisfied that the details were all included, he mimeographed twenty-two copies of the three-page single-spaced letter and sent them to our state’s elected officials in DC, noted anti-war senators and congressmen, along with the military chain of command from the Secretary of the Army to the President. Of them all, only Stewart Udall, the congressman from Southern Arizona, did anything. He sent the mimeographed letter to the Department of the Army demanding to know if there was anything to it.

There are honest men everywhere, and most of the Army are like that. An investigation was begun. The evil that was afoot was foreign to the hearts and minds of many who served, and the opportunity to tell the truth would not be wasted. By August, the wheels of Military justice were moving, and the officer, Lt. William Calley, who led the assault on My Lai, was detained only hours before he was to be separated.

The rest of this story is history; you can find it on Wikipedia or the History Channel.

My brother was Ron Ridenhour, who spent the rest of his life as an investigative reporter before he died of heart failure in 1998. It was a malaria-infected, enlarged heart that burst when he hit the wall while playing handball. He never knew that problem existed, so when the aortal vessel split, his last words were “Oh…shit!” If you knew him, you would expect that. No efforts to save him could make any difference; he was gone. He left on his own terms, doing what he chose despite the danger it posed to him,  just as he had returned to Vietnam as a stringer (a lowest-level reporter) for Time magazine. Many people thought it was a suicide mission, believing that the rank and file must hate him for betraying their fellow soldiers. They did not understand that it was for them that he told the truth. The soldiers who murdered innocent civilians also murdered their own innocence, and the pain they felt would haunt them for the rest of their lives. Only the CIA tried to kill him in Vietnam.

He spent a year in Vietnam, going into the most dangerous areas to get the dirt on the war and report the truth whenever he could find it. Many other reporters were afraid to be with him, certain the Army or the CIA would arrange for an accident or other fatal encounter. Those who knew him believed being with him was the safest place to be and that in combat, he had an incredible sense of what was happening around them and where danger was and could be avoided. These reporters encouraged him to become an investigative reporter, and when his career was blacklisted after the media consolidations of the early eighties under Reagan, they felt his pain and treated him with great respect, and when he died suddenly, they turned out for his wake, and later when Randy Fertel the heir to the Ruth’s Crist Steakhouse chain, organized a memorial award in his name, they supported the cause with enthusiasm.  Every year in April, there is a luncheon where ten-thousand dollar awards, the Ridenhour Prizes, are given in his name for courage, truth-telling, books, and films that speak honestly to reveal the truth about governmental lies and secrecy.

Ron was adopted by the liberals of the US, not because he was liberal, but because he exposed the lies of the Republican Administrations of Nixon, Reagan, and Bush. Once, I asked him why he did not run for office, that the Democratic Party loved him and he would easily get their support. His reply was simple and to the point; he referred to the Democrats as “bleeding heart Liberals” who used emotionally charged issues to win votes but would not really do anything to stop violent, anti-democratic activities in the government. He was the enemy of their enemy, not their friend.

Ron was famous, and his fame was most well-known among intelligence agents, many of whom were retired or still working in Phoenix, Arizona. By the mid-nineties, I had grown tired of having these individuals know who I was because of my last name. I was a known conduit to Ron; anything I learned was expected to be in his ear soon. I had become a magnet for the disenchanted operatives of the USG. I was watched, and efforts to involve me in shady deals were regular. When I sensed these issues, I stopped responding, ignoring the phone calls and appointments; I became “mercurial” and undependable. Something that operatives hate. It is hard to handle someone who does not show up. The recognition was a distraction from my life direction, whether positive or negative. I wanted to publish my theory of consciousness but did not want it to become a tool to distract my brother. I adopted the pseudonym Dane Michael Arr to publish on the Internet in 1995. Later that year, I had it legally changed.

My Story

Ron inspired me to pursue my own truth and realize that our individual choices can impact the world. One of the things I learned was not meant to be a lesson. I learned that being the object of public acclaim can limit our choices, locking us into constraints that limit our experience because we must protect our “reputations.” Fame is seldom the friend of a life open to learning through experience, and I have been careful to avoid undesired attention.

When I consciously began my work on A New Civilization in 1978, I did it with the realization that the people who had killed Kennedy and brought us the Vietnam War were going to build China using a consumer economy. I had read the Club of Rome Report and immediately thought it was based on a wrong view of humanity. Being entrepreneurial, I could see many ways we could solve the unsolvable problems spoken about in the Rome Report.

I could see that turning China into a consumer economy would create competition for resources, turning our economies into runaway trains that they would send over a cliff. Seeing that this would take decades, I knew I would have time to think it through, so I decided to become a one-man think tank on behalf of humanity. The journey has been longer than I could imagine when it began, but its length has made the destination far more dear.

In 1973, I worked as a salesman for SCM Corporation, a manufacturer of electric calculators. One day I knew I had to do something else, something to do with ideas and new knowledge, but I didn’t know what. The feeling of unease settled on me as my daily life became a search for a higher purpose. What ideas could be that interesting for a career, I wondered. I was twenty-five and expected to be further along in a business career by then. I recognized that I had misjudged myself and lacked the ability to tell people whatever it took to get them to do what I wanted. I drifted uncertainly through the rest of the year, and as my birthday approached, I was struck by the fact that almost everyone believed that there was much that was undiscovered about nature, that the source of consciousness and the issue of life after death were unresolved questions just waiting for a breakthrough discovery. When I saw an article about Kerilian photography, the idea that the mysterious leaf image could be explained by “the structure of energy” set my mind ablaze. I realized that it was the question whose answer could support a career, a lifetime’s search for the truth. I would become a parapsychologist and have an interesting career researching what I was sure could never be found; it was a lifetime of exploration just waiting for me. I quit work and arranged for the state contract for an electronic printing calculator through my family’s business. Then I spent the summer reading channeled works, which now had credibility with me because the “structure of energy” meant that thoughts could exist without bodies. I enrolled in Phoenix College as groundwork for transferring to a major university parapsychology program. I started a campus club to explore psychic phenomena called the Psi Club. I was confident I could create the profile needed to enter a university program. I had it lined up. My search for truth was on track and ready to go.

At the end of the first semester, after my last class, I arrived at my brother’s house around five. It was December 10, 1974. I did not know it then, but my college career was over. After that evening, I could no longer listen to professors tell me how things worked; I could no longer listen to made-up stories intended to steer my mind in the wrong direction. After that evening, I knew things beyond the teachings of mortal men, that I had been touched by a vision that answered every question in my mind. It was at 5:42 PM that I received a twenty-minute download of Truth, which has served as the source of my life’s work. I quickly knew I had to hold on to it and let it evolve at its own pace through internal guidance.

I could not know it then, but it has become apparent that this was the product of a connection with Source. This information was so advanced that no corollary existed; it permitted me to see the basis of reality from the origin of consciousness to the mundane activities of everyday life. It was an almost overwhelming gift that has taken until the present to unwrap. It was three years before I began to design a spiritual planetary socio-political economy, which I was directed to do when I asked why I could not simply translate the insights into new math at that time.

Constant attention to input from higher sources allowed me to evolve the design of the New Society in respect to every challenge encountered. Although the download was related to the underlying properties of space and the nature of consciousness and spirit, it soon became apparent that my work was to use this to design, in some capacity, the New Society.

The design of the new society has two primary components. The first is a new mathematical system to enable the planetary population to adapt to a spiritual understanding despite their life-long indoctrination to the deliberately disabled sciences of particle physics and its many derivatives. This is to be accomplished with a computer-modeled scalar field showing the interpenetration of all that is and the resultant ongoing adjustments between them. This information is hidden in plain sight at where I have published since 1996 to protect it as intellectual property under common law. The site is best understood as explanatory text for a software specification. I have made no effort to convince the Academia of its validity. To do so would have compromised my ability to use it for its intended purpose today.

The second component is the socio-political economy based on the widely understood realities of spiritual existence. At first, I designed the global system to be adopted by the smallest existing governmental units, towns, and cities since, in this view, control of natural resources was not the role to be built upon, but people and the technology that they can use to minimize the need for natural resources. The social paradigm is that the population lives upon the planet as though living in a self-sufficient space colony. In 1980 I connected with a writer named William HA Williams to write a short summary for publishers. it was 1980, long before the Internet, and the scope of the work was too large and I set it aside, it can be seen on this site as the MetaCity from 1980. During the rest of the Eighties I worked to find the means to manifest this vision, seizing upon the then recent creation of Economic Development Agencies at the city level as a vehicle for this effort. These agencies had nothing to do with economic development though, being instead a platform for stealing other communities businesses to move their operations to their city to increase their tax base. When this became apparent I changed focus to establishing the economic basis for the New Society at the individual level, designing a program to enable people with initiative to lead their families and communities to a global society of conscious, creative and self-reliant individuals.

After spending do much time working with corporations, it seemed obvious that a similar broad division of labor allowing expert support for every aspect of the customer facing professional’s efforts would be needed for any successful business involved with our emerging global economy.

This became the Metapolitan Community idea which is now ready to promote as an engine for global community development. It is designed as a global cooperative of motivated, entrepreneurial individuals.

The breadth and depth of these two New Society components makes it necessary for me to remain in a “visionary advocate” role above the actual day-to-day manifestation of either the computer modeling capability or the global social economy model, the Metapolitan Communities, and the MetaCity Concept.  With the development of the Internet in the eighties and its global adoption in the early nineties I realized that it would be possible to seed these ideas so that when the time came I could provoke a global conversation. However, in September of 2001 it was made extremely clear that an agenda of dishonesty, deceit and violence toward the the general population and any opposition was in play.

In the background of chatter by the retired intel agents I had heard about the Farm Claims success and the legislation created to implement the corrections needed to settle the long running law suit against the banks and the US government. It was called NESARA and it was said to have been signed into law by Bill Clinton at gun point. It was a bizzare story that only made sense after September 11, 2001.

I knew that the attack on the World Trade Center was to divert NESARA, and it stopped it cold. The men and women tasked to implement it were targeted and most of were dead. Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush Senior had begun the war on terror on its grave. Watching on TV I shouted that it was our Reichstag Fire, and the new few days saw the introduction of the Patriot Act, and an offer to all the victims families of payment if they would agree not to sue and numerous other transparent effort s to avoid any discussion about what had actually happened that day. It was the already dead Osama Bin Laden they said, directing it from a cave in Afghanistan. The public was in shock, saying anything contrary to the official story brought a look of fear in the eyes of listeners.  I suspended my effort, deciding to wait for the evil to subside.

By 2010, what was then a generalized awareness of greed and selfishness had become certain knowledge of undisguised evil, truly embracing the devil and seeking the genocide of billions of the planet’s people. The brave and competent publisher, Chris Story was murdered for his reporting of these plans and his bold accusations of pedophilia against the leader of the European Union. I followed his work for many years and his sudden “cancer” that killed him only a few weeks, was the unmistakeable work of the Clinton’s, as Story had called them out and exposed their criminality.

I prayed for the world’s deliverance from this evil.

In 2012, I read about the work of someone using the code name “Cobra”, who said he was the spokesman for the Resistance Movement.  Intrigued, I wrote him and offered my services, describing my more than three decades of work preparing for the time when we could create a New Society.  During the time since 2001 I heard a lot of people complaining about the situation, but this was the first time I had heard someone talk about in terms that included the spiritual and etheric aspects, addressing the multilayered multigenerational network of genocidal oligarchies we were dealing with. I could sense that the long awaited effort to purge our world of this evil was finally gaining traction outside of the disaffected covert operatives I had been meeting since my brother began to attract them in the 1970’s.

Nine months after writing Cobra, I received an invitation to a New Society Conference to be held in Irvine California. The conference was attended by about fifty people, we were asked to say a few words each about why we were attending,  and I said I was there to work with everyone on the New Society.  I was the only one, most simply wanted to meet the anonymous spokesman and share the energy of his work.  We voted to create a website and I offered to help.

That website, became a vehicle for myself and many others to contribute to cleansing our world of the incredible evil that has risen from the darkness of greed and atheistic culture spawned by the denial of god in all public education. Neither god nor the soul is part of the belief system of so many people emerging from public education and it is not by accident.

The good people who have helped this effort deserve praise and congratulations for the work they have done. After five years I left this group to focus on my life and prepare my work for the end of the Cabal. Financial success had brought out the worst in some of the founders: greed and avarice reared it head and no good could come from remaining involved with them.