
This work began with two ideas to assist the debate during the late seventies period, the time since the public execution of John F Kennedy and the present, during which the current global economic system implemented, is now in its death throes.

The ramp-up of the Vietnam War was a direct result of his death, and it set the stage for all that has happened since. It made me become aware that our society was being guided behind the scenes by a global oligarchy and that our “democracy” was as much a manipulation as Marxist Communism’s “workers paradise”, for both were controlled by an elite for their own benefit. At that time there was little indication of what they had planned, for the evidence of it was yet to be created. Their plan was cloaked in secrecy and hidden by disinformation and misdirection. JfK, from his vantage point at the top of the American pyramid could see it more clearly than most,  and his opposition meant he must be eliminated.

The control the killlers gained was intended to allow them to build a system to escape the certain destruction they claimed was coming from environmental failure due to a variety reasons. The high technology control was to be built upon a social control system already in place, installed by the religious, banking and military powers of Europe and America.

Key to this has been the seduction of the world’s population by the consumer society, an unguided explosion of demand for anything and everything imaginable for the purpose of avoiding the hard questions about policy, allowing the “leadership” to do just about anything they chose to further their real agenda. As we shall see, they have been planning on a major environmental and social failure, which they intended to wait out in carefully prepared safe areas. This scheme has always depended on the public being unawares of their intentions, continuing to pursue their individual pleasures and goals at the expense of the larger society.

Their expectations for the future, envisioned at the beginning of the 20th century, was for a analog network using telephone lines to connect the world together, a system they thought they could control and use to monitor all communications, ultimately resulting in a big brother society where all actions were surveilled and monitored. They have set up such a system in every place where they have been able to gain absolute control. London is the most egregious example today. They have viewed the population as cattle to managed for their own benefit and used to further their own goals and ambitions. The consumer economy was to motivate the best and brightest to work hard and ask no questions, allowing the to use them to build whatever systems or device they imagined would enable them to accomplish their goals of absolute domination of the planet.

The murderers of JFK are failing in their plan and their collapse will open the door to a new global future.

We are at the point I long anticipated, when the world’s eyes will turn to creating a society free from manipulation and based on truth, freedom and justice.

I have been given a single tool by the grace of the immaterial powers to see clearly the truth of nature, with which I have been driven relentlessly to forge a new system for humanity. The tool was an insight passed into my body as a vibration associated with a clear vision of how all things are derived from frequency in space. This tool has allowed me to sense the truth in all statements and understand the role to the Creator in all parts of the creation. Although that tool came to me in fulness during just twenty minutes of vision, its use has been ongoing as I worked to understand its full implications for us all. When I first understood it, I expected to go to my desk and write it out for all to see and understand. I was unable to do that, discovering that the concepts needed for others to understand were either nonexistent or being suppressed within the education system. For these reasons the tool remained within me alone and I wondered how to use it for the benefit of all.

A few years after beginning work on a New Physics, the Club of Rome Report came out with its dire predictions for the future of humanity. I immediately saw it was wrong, that human initiative could resolve all the issues identified in the report and at that moment decided to use the tool to devise a social economy able to be created in the midst of the ongoing global economy. Like a dynamic living system it would stand on two legs, a thorough understanding of nature to include in a continuous stream, the creation from the void of space to the cosmic paradigm of today, and a social economy based on that level of comprehension.

Due to the experience of seeing my brother deal with the demands of public fame and attention, I knew that the ability to accomplish this would be better done without those demands. I decided to work privately until the issues became part of the public discussion, This would require that the plans of those who had executed the the President to the United States of America be allowed to run their course to utter failure. Only then could a system depending on truth, justice and freedom be embraced by the people of the world.

A New Physics

A New Shared Reality

The under pinning of society is a shared vision of reality, based on common experience and teachable by experiment that returns the same results to all who perform them. Technology is the result of this approach and it has done more to spread the common thread of understanding between peoples than any book or thought. The results of truth are immediately available to its users and demonstrated daily.

Understanding this, the basis of a new society must be the greatest truth that can be conceived by man and demonstrated by technology. When this truth reflects the nature of space to include the existence of the attractive principle as the overriding quality of all things, then the understanding of consciousness and the power of love can be grasped by all from small children to aging adults.

The problems of religion and racial differences will fade when the true nature of our multidimensional existence is understood. We are immaterial beings here for experience and the ability to be with one another, to see touch and feel the creation using the evolved tools of the body and mind. The real difference between us is the path we have chosen to experience the creation, but all of it leads back to the same place, the higher frequencies where all exists in unity.

Now the unity of humanity rests on truth at last, and its clearest expression is with mathematics. Thus the mathematical truth needed to share the core teaching has been the focus of my use of the tool for these many years. Its pursuit has been a long process because the ability to be shown and seen is so important to the knowledge’s conveyance. These requirements created a high standard that it has met since the end of the last century. It has not been revealed in depth because it had to wait until the control structures of the West had failed.

The core understandings have been on the Internet since 1996, but have been protected by the suppression of those ideas that would ask the questions that are answered in its meager presentation. Five years later I was ready to begin work on a computer program which would use the tool to show how the creation could be derived from a disturbance in the original void. I was ready to raise money and create a screen saver that would progressively reduce the values from the original one into a model with multi-nondrillions of resonant points in a three dimensional space. The screen saver would illustrate the important ideas needed for all people to understand that we are multidimensional beings accumulating memories since the beginning of time.

This level of understanding sets the stage of global peace based on the confidence that we are all related in origin and in the present. It also allows us to embrace a level of technology able to use the qualities of space to devise systems to travel and manufacture using the least amount of natural resources possible.

A social economy using these ideas as the fundamental assumptions is very different from one based on ignorance and exploitation of nature. Indeed, the system of exploitation is based on scarcity and requires various levels of control to manage, resulting in economic disparity throughout. Todays social economy is rooted in nation states created to allow the few to control and manage the resources for their own benefit. The few then hire armies or in our day, armies of public relations firms to convince the public that whatever is best for their narrow and selfish aims is best for them too.

Although the existing system is unjust and exploitive, simply changing its ownership will not solve the great problems that have grown up around it. These issues can be understood best by considering that the structure integrating international trade and industry have been ruled by secret societies and enforced with murder to prevent anyone from revealing how government and industry truly operates.

While changing the whole of society may not be practical, the ability to create a functional system that depends on voluntary participation is within our grasp.

The next part of this message deals with the creation of the MetaCity concept and the many choices and reasons behind it.

The MetaCity Concept

A Society without an Underclass

Families are generations and the young have a role that is different from their parents and grandparents, but no one in the family is in that role for life. And so it should be in society. Designing a social structure to enable all its participants the greatest opportunity to do their best without taking from others is a worthy goal and one that can be reached. Longterm planning and organization along with wise investments are core concepts, but the structure that exists will not provide this for all. It will not.

Worker or owner is seldom a choice we can make when we are developing our trade or profession, The demands of education, long hours without pay, moving with little more than suitcases for our belongings means that we replace almost everything we need and buy in the smallest quantities at the highest prices. The cost of initial residences now includes so many mandatory extras that they are impossible to afford without long term mortgages with interest piled upon interest. Buying and owning so that this vitality sapping process is ended has become an impossible dream for many young adults today. It does not have to be that way.

Education has become the consumer of lives, an industry that sells an experience instead of an education. How many people are working in the field for which they prepared and loving it?  Too few.

The reasons for this have to do with the people and industries that live off the lives of students. Administrative overhead has grown to to an outsized proportion of every dollar spent by them while the value of the education they provide has withered. Disconnected from the market for their work by overly long preparation, students arrive at their industries entry point while they are firing established workers to hire inexperienced ones for less pay and no security. Now the debt that they acquired to finance their long slow march through the universities halls deprives them of any other choice but to work for whatever is offered. The most cited benefit for attending colleges is the contacts they can use in their rise through the ranks of industry. But very few have this experience and most simply pay for the privilege of saying they have a degree.

In the US these things are true, but in other places the benefits of learning how to work with information technology has returned real advantage to the students and the society they live in.

Changing Trade: Changing Civilization

The global society we live in has grown from the exploits of trade by sea, land and air. Without the desire for trade, motivated by it ability to optimize the economic role of specialization and division of labor, and to enhance the status and well being of those who pursue it, there would be little reason for people to risk their lives and fortunes exploring the world and making contact with others. It is because of the inherent risks and the requirement of capital that trade has focused wealth in the hands of so few families around the world. This is a natural progression and is not wrong, what is wrong is that this has been perverted to become a global oligarchical control system intent on total domination of the rest of society world wide. How this became true is not the purpose of this article, but about the means to change this and recreate the global trade system on equitable terms for all.

At all times trade is pursued using standard units. Often these units were actual containers of a certain size and later became associated with standard volumes or weights. The most common form of historical writing from archeology is to find inventories or bills of sale relating to what was in a structure that is now nearly all dust with only ceramic remnants left for history. These describe volumes of trade goods by standard units used at that time. The significance  of this for our discussion is that we can establish new volumes and sizes based on current technology and needs. New containers that will enable more fluid trade and commerce because they work more easily with the way we live and work, move and ship our material goods.

When the idea of a shipping container that was small enough to move in an elevator and load on the bed of a pickup truck was originally developed, it was as immature as small green apple. Over time the problems and issues that plagued it were resolved until it became an idea that was filled with promise and simple utility. Today this proposed standard has many aspects that are ready for market and ready to revolutionize commerce. Its biggest obstacle is the scale of its market, the requirement that its specialized capabilities be useful wherever it is applied. Its exact dimensions gained importance as the goal of being an omni-modal container was reviewed for years, while its major applications were researched.

The impact of the ocean container was its model. Beginning in the mid 1950s, the ocean container went from a private business innovation to an industry standard adopted by every country and trade company in the world. The originator of this approach to shipping did not benefit from all of the time and money saving adaptations to material handling and transit, they were usually adaptations of existing technologies called up to specific sizes and strengths. Still, the improvements to trade have had a revolutionary effect on the cost of shipping and the availability of goods everywhere in the world.

This revolutionary effect is what is expected from the successful implementation of this new container size and design. In its original shape and size it competed with the existing ocean containers that had been it inspiration, but that was soon abandoned in favor of being a sub-container, a size that would slide into the existing containers like peas into a pod. This approach yields a rectangular size meant to fill existing ocean containers without unused space inside. Interior volumes of ocean containers  lose four to five inches due to the corrugated steel walls and doors, needed to allow the units to be stacked and shipped without any supporting frameworks. Because of this quality inherent in the ocean containers, there is no need to overbuild the sub-units, since they are meant for the same purpose as the truck bodies that travel the streets of every city and state. Indeed, this is the best way to describe their purpose in the logistical flow. Truck bodies that can move omni-modally from ship to rail to truck to building interior while sealed and bonded. Because they will move inside of steel ocean containers for most of their transit, until they are transferred to or from their “first-last mile” handler at the point of origin or destination, they will need less protection from the elements, vectors, vandals or thieves. Adoption worldwide will unleash opportunities for productive adaptations throughout the entire shipping chain, but mostly at the point of origin and destination.

Beyond the innovation in size and volume is the opportunity to improve material handling features to achieve full automation to and from the ocean container. Being concerned with the machines used to move it, identify it, verify its contents and easily mange it within warehouses for loading and unloading containers shows us immense opportunities to automate and speed its movement in that environment.

From the original concept of this system until today, every aspect of its implementation has been examined and reexamined.

From the perspective of invention, the difference between an original invention and a process improvement is important, but in this case the true invention is rooted in scale and its ability to overcome the many forces that oppose that scale. The primary oppositional force is inertia, or why should society adopt a new system, and this must be addressed at the most basic level, at the level of the individual producer who has little capital and needs to start their economic life from that position.

Please go to the next section: Metapallet: The One Man Action Plan.