META Treaty

The United Nations is a Failure

By Dane M Arr

In the context of representing the People of Earth, it does not do that. It was created to resolve the issues imagined by the controlling elites to serve their purposes, purposes that are seldom discussed with the people at all, let alone with honesty and candor. While I may call the UN a failure in one regard, it is useful to focus on issues of resources and managing them. Unfortunately, it regards humanity as a natural resource, like the great herds of buffalo that roamed the central plains of North America; it regards the sheer volume of people as a nuisance that needs active control and even culling. I am not making this up. At the time of the formation of the UN, it was simultaneous to a meeting by the same people to decide how to control population growth. Kevin Mugur Galilee has devoted much of his life to exposing this; in his The Subversion of Medicine and Public Health by International Security Prerogatives work, he demonstrated without a doubt that this is the case.

I consider then that the United Nations is basically a resource management organization, and we are little more than herds roaming the land that the Elite think they own and control.

The UN does not represent the people’s wishes, far from it. It serves the owners of the land and the owners alone.

The Planet needs a Treaty between Nations for Cities to create a bicameral approach to issues of global concern that will assure fair and adequate representation of all aspects of our civilization. Think of it as a global alliance of municipal governments representing people and technology to balance the United Nations.

Today we are in the middle of a conflict between the forces of “globalism” and “nationalism”. In reality, it is a conflict between ideas about the future of humanity. The globalism idea has been championed by top-down managers who rely on finances to justify all their choices, and they have been working on this for over two centuries. Globalist managers believe that they can make the best decisions, and those being managed should believe that and let them take care of business, and that includes your business as well. You do not have a choice in their schemes, none.

Globalists do not believe in self-government. The only good nation-state is a dictatorship of rules issued by them, and the role of politicians is to sell the Globalist’s vision, not have their own or fulfill the people’s dreams. Leaders are a threat to the unelected bureaucrats chosen by the financial sector. The reality that skews this argument is that the real dividing line between populations for control of the future is natural resources versus technological resources. Those whose lives are and always have been tied to natural resources see the future as a steady state equation of the carrying capacity of those resources as opposed to an increase in technological capability to create resources. The real divide is technological versus natural resources.

Our planet is filled with natural resources, and dividing these among the ruling class has been the role of the nation-states. Those people who live on the land must create their own resources, and indeed cities are themselves a technological creation upon the land by the people. Through this simple analysis, we can deduce that the true duality of our civilization is between natural and technological resources. It is this polarity wherein the true politics of the future lie.

So our first order of business is to develop the political will to overcome the limitations imposed upon us. Still, so far, this has proven to be an intractable problem for all the nations on this Earth.

The fault for this situation lies in the relationships that define global cooperation. Agreements between nations on sustainability are like agreements between foxes on how to manage the chickens. The nation-states are rooted in managing natural resource exploitation, and the exploiters control them. Land grants, mining claims, mineral rights, harvesting, and grazing rights were the tools used by the nations to drive the development of the land and create a tax base with which to support the government. The multi-generational nature of resource ownership and exploitation tends to enable those with these interests to position themselves or their agents throughout the administrative system, allowing them to protect their interests. The evolution of a global, privately owned, and controlled currency cartel owned by this same group has allowed them to manipulate their nation’s business cycle and use control of the currency to consolidate power. The regional controlling interests are all invested in their region’s Central Bank and share in the secret manipulations to gain an unjust and socially destructive advantage.

For these reasons, the nation-states have been slow to make the needed changes. They have become tools of the resource-rich, who have assumed political control through the manipulation of the population using rights granted to them by the nation-state, control of the media, control of the money supply, and control of the US Government to wage war and economic ruin on the middle classes by playing one nation-state against the other. For these controllers, death and all the means to help it along are good. Their mantra for three generations has been that the number one problem is that there are too many people, and so their policies all address this negative assumption with negativity.

It would be ignorant for humanity not to address the issue of population growth. Everyone on the planet has an equal share in the consequences of not dealing with it. A cooperative approach is not only possible but morally the only choice, which this article addresses with a far-reaching and innovative plan. In this, the role of technology and innovation is preeminent. In fact, it is the basis of this plan, focusing on exploiting our most fundamental social technology, cities.  Growing from this insight, the use of special districts within cities as the vehicle to drive the social, technological, and political solution forward is obvious.

The idea of a global standard urban form has interesting possibilities. The thought of a single set of standardized systems to deal with his density architecture and urban design is a workable strategy to create a global alliance of Municipal governments. Unlike the United Nations, it would not focus on governing but on organizing. Instead of politics, the administration would be the main effort. Still, instead of the approach of the European Union, it would be voluntary and apply only to those who chose to participate with their local special district. The overall goal is to create a better way by adoption over time because of the superior results.

A good strategic plan will give power to everyday people by providing a positive vision of the future, a blueprint for global change through local action, including their city and their lives. Most people will agree with the goals when stretched over a forty-year planning cycle.

There is plenty of money to do this. Consider that everything in the built environment will be depreciated and reinvested during the next twenty to forty years. Everything. If the past indicates, we will invest an equal amount in newly built systems during the same period. If we focus that investment on sustainable systems, we can achieve a sustainable society by mid-century.

The nation-states might abhor the notion of centrally planned economies, but the cities’ use of zoning is well established and amounts to far more control than national planners would dream about. The only addition enabled by the global organizations is standardization sufficient to create mass markets and related economies of scale for infrastructure systems and programs.

The dilemma of this and the many other plans to create a sustainable society is that everyone involved, particularly those without a sustainable orientation, also has a plan for the future.

Next: The METACity Concept

The META City Concept is an outline of a information-technology rich society that has reorganized itself to make the best use of information and communications. The model suggests a global civil government of cities overlaying the existing structures. The city units are designed to facilitate sustainable high growth rates within their boundaries.The non-urban region surrounding the city is supported with a Bioregional Protectorate,a basic policy effort to have each META City take responsibility for the environment around it.  Environmental restoration and rehabilitation are emphasized, directing resources and expertise to planting and reintroduction within a riparian wild lands model.

One of the ways to envision our time is to consider the simple sine wave used to illustrate all cyclic processes. We can imagine innumerable sizes all weaving along a single center line, but no matter how many variations we choose, at some point they will all converge at a single moment of time. This is our time, a time when one great system of being ends and another begins.

Building a global political consensus is the problem and the opportunity.


Municipalities Electronic Trade Agreement

Implementation of any form of globally standardized urban infrastructure will require A Treaty Between Nations driven by the self-interest of urban populations.

A treaty, the Municipalities Electronic Trade Agreement, can be created through a public process and presented to the Congress of the United States of America that will establish a program for any city in participating countries to form a special district that models the rules and procedures needed for a self-governing space-based society.  Most commentators say that the long-term growth of humanity means that space colonization and exploitation are necessary parts of any serious plan. Solving the political and cultural problems required to live in space can be used as a foundation for the earth-based META City d\Special Districts. It can address many of the social, legal, and economic problems on Earth that stand between us and success in any effort to colonize space. The rules for the META City district can be the same as those required for a space colony.

The Municipalities Electronic Trade Agreement is an alternate strategy to achieve global cooperation for the peaceful development of human civilization.  A META Treaty proposal would create:

  • The Municipalities Electronic Trade Agreement will structure the political relationship between the META City and the city, state, nation, and META System. The Agreement should create treaty “zones” within each city that joins.
  • The META will implement standardized high-density urban infrastructure design and acquisition systems with full three-dimensional modeling and simulation for META City designers and planners. The development structure establishes a standardized Request for Proposal format addressing new urban infrastructure. Suppliers worldwide would participate in all stages of the process using an Internet-based portal. At the same time, the urban planning community focuses on defining what a standardized high-density urban district should be.  Higher densities and shared support systems going beyond plumbing, energy, and transportation would be the main topics.
  • Standardized bid proposals would be broken down into global volumes of each part that would automatically be total items shared by all bids. The resulting sub-component bidding is online worldwide. Ordered parts will be shipped according to instructions negotiated during the purchase.
  • Tremendous productivity increases can be produced by global standardization of urban infrastructure technology and systems, enough to pay for a space development effort and to restore the Earth’s biosphere.  Cities are the source of wealth and, when they work well, can generate far more capital than required to maintain them.
  • The process of developing a self-governing space-based culture should not wait until the opportunity exists because it may never come to a fearful and ignorant society. We can and should envision a form of city government suitable for operating a space colony. Moreover, we should see this as an opportunity to galvanize public thinking about the role of our technological islands on Earth and how they can lead society into space development.
  • META Social Services Infrastructure Merit-based META citizenship with vested rights to housing, health care, education, and communications services.  One approach that can be included in an internship period is that it exchanges time in service for lifetime entitlements or access to them within the special district on a merit or vestment basis. New approaches to retirement, health, and long-term care can be integrated into this system since the people will begin participation at a young age and will have many years of productivity before needing any assistance. This investment of time and energy by the young can create a capital advantage for the META Cities.
  • The Municipalities Electronic Trade Agreement will aid Space Development. The process of developing a self-governing space-based culture should not wait until the opportunity exists because it may never come to a fearful and ignorant society. We can and should envision a form of city government suitable for operating a space colony. Moreover, we should see this as an opportunity to galvanize public thinking about the role of our technological islands on Earth and how they can lead society into space development. In theory, all space colonies will be technological islands in space, whether on the surface of a large body or floating in a LaGrange point. Those living there will depend on each other and the complex of support systems that spawned their colony. Essentially, they will be cities in space existing in a resource region governed by a larger governmental entity, much as nations define the land, as in the US, for resource management purposes. This idea is self-evident. During the first stage of growth into space, a coalition of space-faring nations (probably the US and its client states, but maybe the UN) will appoint themselves arbiters of resources and wield power as they do on Earth. Current information is that such a coalition already exists in the form of the Secret Space Program and its investor administrative organizations, the Corporation is organized to allow every nation’s elite to buy in and have a share of the organization. Once the administrative infrastructure to ensure the continuing authority of the coalition is in place, an emphasis will be put on resource exploitation and colonization. The existing group is more like the United Nations, with the owners controlling everything, than what the META would evolve into that it would assure a means to give people representation too. Projecting civilian communities into space complements current military strategies by making them a supporting function of social expansion. The advantages for individuals are enormous.  A clear vision of each person’s interest and benefit from the development of space is possible with this program since the move into space will be perceived as the cumulative outcome of participation and development at the local level.

The United Nations must cooperate with the META Cities. A global body of META Cities will be needed and should position itself as the representative of the urban populations and the technology sector worldwide.

Representative government has long relied upon using two competing bodies of interest to resolve problems. Still, the global arena lacks this provision, and big-money natural resource interests dominate global politics without adequate input from the citizenry. The United Nations is an extension of the same conflicts of interest that prevent the nations from changing the direction of their environmental destruction.

The META, the second political mechanism for global governance that is designed to balance the exploitive nature of the nation-states, can be established. It should be a mechanism that will serve as the economic engine for a sustainable society.  The new global alliance of cities can focus on defining standards for technology and focus on the growth of the built environment to make it truly sustainable.

Evolution of the practical means of change: The Metapallet

When I entered college, I wanted to be a designer, but the practical necessities pushed me into business and a furniture design business, but during that time, I continued to think of everything as a design problem, and the Club of Rome Report stimulated within me the solution I present here. It is heavily influenced by the macro design thought and the role of entrepreneurial motivation of the productive members of humanity.

A drive to change our way of life to allow continued population growth will need a substantial shift in our way of doing things. It was 1977, and we were in the midst of the greatest shift in human history; the Information revolution was pressing the limits of all economic activity, and its ability to double in power and halve in cost every two years meant that all the knowledge in libraries and all that was being created would be available to address us every problem, be it social, economic or technological.  In my analysis, I concluded that cities were the first information revolution; how much more important could it be to know what was happening that could affect you than to be within earshot of the most current information? Proximity is the first tool for information sharing.

Clearly, the driver of economic growth was access to information and the rise of information technology that made the entire world within your proximity. Networking, data transfer, and storage took years to implement before the eventual digital convergence we have now emerged as the standard.  At the time I began to consider this as a design problem, the pattern in front of me was that it would be implemented piecemeal. Every job that existed would get smarter and faster, but what I felt would be needed can only be described as a full redesign of our social economy around total information availability everywhere at all times.

In 2018, this is the actual case. Thanks to digital convergence and the Internet, information is truly ubiquitous.

In 1977 the issue was not if this would happen but how we could use this to redesign the economy to make everyone’s life fully optimized and to eliminate the need for an underclass. In this quest, the most basic needs underlying daily life, the ones that required the most physical effort and affected everyone, were the highest on the list.

A short time of researching, the answer became clear, logistics and the management of material for uses like living and working would be the most impacted. Access to real-time information by people doing things would save time and eliminate waste. Now the issue was to find a way to improve the way people moved material and managed it.

Containerization came to the public mind only twenty years earlier and was the driving force of worldwide commerce. The containers were massive, replacing the forty-foot truck trailer with a solid steel enclosure of the same size. With this bulk, the containers were stackable and easily handled with cranes moving them from ship to rail or trucks. It was a brilliant innovation that swept global commerce and now characterizes our entire global culture. Deadhead containers were being converted into storage solutions and even functioning as buildings, homes, offices, and workspaces. The impact of the adoption of containerization impressed me, but the ocean shipping containers were too bulky to be functional as a uniting element for the logistics of daily living.

The answer was to find a new containerization platform, one between the ocean shipping container and the pallets that were used to fill them with cargo.  Although some shippers hand-packed their containers, the idea of using a new standard to load them appealed to me mechanically.  This was the jumping-off point for what became a lifetime preoccupation: the Metapallet.