SCIET Theory: The Need

SCIET Theory: The Need

SCIET Theory describes what came before matter. Doing this addresses the existence of anything that is not material or that cannot be ascribed to being produced by matter. It can describe the existence and origin of multiple dimensions, the true nature of black holes, and how stargates, portals, and vortices function naturally and synthetically, among many other capabilities. It is based on modeling fluctuating points and lines in space, attributing them with specific qualities due to their origin, frequency, or alignment.

SCIET is the Fractal of Creation

SCIET theory has been in development for fifty years and is now approaching maturity at the same time as extra-terrestrial contactees are telling us that they are being told that the creation is the product of the Fractal of the Creator and that the fractal is at the center of all consciousness. They refer to a number that is a fraction expressed as a number beginning with a decimal point, a string of numbers extremely long. SCIET Theory is a fractal of volumetric space and is so similar to what these contactees are describing that it may be the exact same thing. If this is true, then I would say that my own belief is that this work is the product of a partnership with Source and indicates that humanity is ready to assume its place among the interstellar civilizations that work with the highest understanding of the creation. The people of Earth have cracked the code of creation.

The Need is for a way to understand what is between the existence of matter and the Void. A computer model created using SCIET Theory can address this, modeling all of it using computer visualizations. Imagine the impact on students when they can see the invisible effects of all movement and all aspects of consciousness. The evolution of memory into self-determining beings and how and why the creation is aware and intelligent.

A one-hour video presentation using the modeling software would begin with an explanation of the Single Cycle Integrative Effect Topology and how it takes a single measure and converts it into more than a million parts, each with its location and all within the footprint of the original topology. Once the topology is explained the presentation would reduce through eighty-one magnitudes until it reaches the value unit defined by the original intrusion, which can be visualized as a sort of pixel within an immense volumetric display. Once this level is reached, the values that have descended from the first action resonate with the minimum defined units to stimulate the creation of protons.

This. would demonstrate the evolution of the original intrusion into the void all the way to its conversion to protons and light.

More About the SCIET Algorithm

The Big Bang Cosmology presents a universe of particles that come into existence due to “inflation.” This idea postulates that a subatomic particle suddenly grew into all the particles in the universe. You must believe in magic for this to work.

But according to Hawking, the Void has nothing in it. So how does it suddenly give rise to all of the particles in the Universe? This situation exists because this cosmology is derived from Einstein’s GRT, worked backward from his explanation for the causes of the movements of the galaxies in space. In reverse, it shows everything came from a single tiny point.  It starts from already existing matter, extremely tiny, yes, but MATTER. This limits our understanding of physics since everything begins with the matter in the Void. So we have only two concepts to work with… it is not enough. Space is different from the Void; it is filled with gravitational forces and electromagnetism. That it has even a few bits of matter means it is not the Void, for matter needs its existence defined as being separate particles. In the Void, nothing can exist, not even the definition of location. Before matter, there must be a definition of Space for it to exist within, where electromagnetism and gravity can be expressed.

SCIET Theory starts with emptiness in the Void, a limitless emptiness without any relationship. What comes next is a Point of Awareness; the observer is transported into the Void by an act of consciousness. Seeing the potential, the Observer chooses to define a new realm of creation by beginning the First Action and withdrawing to the smallest unit size within the space of the point of Awareness. The First Action continues to reduce to the smallest Unit size. Reaching the defined Unit size of the Universal Sphere Set, the First Action is triggered to begin Resonance between the reducing First Action and the defined Unit. This is the formation of Protons. Unlike the Big Bang, the protons do not hurl outward from a tiny point, but precipitate in place, evenly distributed throughout the original Point of awareness. After this happens the cosmos lights up as space becomes alive with electromagnetism.

Matter does not exist until the entirety of space is defined by the First Action descending through 81 magnitudes of SCIET. When this completes, all the space in the Universe is defined with an address within SCIET to the 81st power.

A SCIET Magnitude is a single cycle integrative effect topology ranging from one to one-million-forty-eight -thousand-five-hundred-twelve. A single SCIET would create twenty Universal Sphere Sets ranges, with the last one having 1,048,512 points. Each of these can also reduce a magnitude, so they would all have 1,048,512 points within them, which continues eighty-one times.

What if we use a different mathematical model, one that is designed for modeling polarity events in space rather than algebraic equations? The point is still the beginning, but rather than expanding; all polarities are created within the point, so no particles are ever actually in the Void; they are all contained in a redefined realm within the original point. SCIET Theory is based on the new model of polarity in space, a model that presumes the existence of an AWARENESS permeating the void. At the same time, the original point is the entry of a SCIET point of awareness into the primeval void. Everything begins there.

In SCIET Theory, the Universe is aware, and all its parts are conscious. Nothing is by accident.

In addition to the SCIET Algorithm, which functions within a  volumetric space using only point and line, furnishing us with a clear perspective on the crystalline nature of spacetime, Another mathematical tool is required. Derived from the interaction of two SCIETS to explain how the points of awareness turn into the spherical particles that populate spacetime, SCIET Resonance Return is responsible for materiality, which begins as a way for the points of awareness to store information about their environment by pushing all the incoming resonance stream into an orbit around their centers.

The SCIET is the basis of the “observer,” providing orientation and continuous focused engagement with the environment, while the Resonance Return is responsible for memory.  So the Universe is aware, the SCIET Algorithm is focus and purpose, and the Resonance Return is the basis of all matter and memory.  SCIET Theory is a modeling strategy to explain the universe of our experience and account for the evolving soul that the observer holds all experience within.


What began as a quest to discover the physical existence of the Soul eventually became a New Physics Model. None of the existing physical models could offer a way for every point in space to adjust continuously to all others. This fundamental idea emerged from analysis of the role of movement in the existence of energy, which is to say that all energy requires that something move relative to some other thing for energy to exist.

This realization led to another one no mathematics existed to express this idea. To analyze this concept, one has to imagine a condition in which a single point exists and then describe how that point gives rise to other points. It is a thought problem since this condition can only exist in our imagination, and the only other situation would be the beginning of the visible Universe. These two conditions are the same. This observation leads to an explanation of how a person could create this in their mind, which then leads to a  potential explanation of the role of a creator.

We can say that we imagine a void space, and in the case of deep meditation, we can suggest that it is possible to arrive at an internal void space. At the same time, most Theories of Everything begin with a void space from which the Universe springs by some explanation derived from existing mathematical models. They are all derivative.

The possibility of starting fresh from the void with a novel approach to creating the Universe has not been tried very often, and in fact, I could not find an example of such an effort.

The first understanding required for this is to recognize that in the void space, nothing exists. Not a point, not a line, not a sphere, plane or circle. There is one thing that must exist, though; the potential for existence must exist.

Thought Experiments are our only tools for this journey of discovery, but we are not the first ones to travel this path; others have taken experimental results and used applied mathematics to draw some conclusions about the Universe that we can use.  The one I have relied upon is that when everything is analyzed, the existing values reduce to a level in which all energy is expressed as a here-and-gone layer of bubbles in a range smaller than a Planck Unit, a sub-quantum foam.

If the existence of sub-quantum units flickering on and off, one moment here, the next somewhere else, is used as a basic insight about physics, what are we to make of it? How does this relate to the void?

The smallest units, the bubbles, are at the edge of the void, at the value range flickering between space and void, in space, and then the void.

SCIET Theory builds on this.